SAPNA Champions

Members Stepping Up. Champions!

Our SAPNA Champions assist the Committee by stepping up to ensure that SAPNA information and event notifications are distributed and displayed in their workplaces.

This means that perioperative nurses across South Australia are kept up to date with events and education opportunities.

Being a SAPNA Champion is a tangible and important way that members can assist and contribute to perioperative nursing education in SA, without the regular commitment associated with serving on the committee.

The Role of the SAPNA Champion

The Role of the SAPNA Champion is to be the conduit between the SAPNA Committee and SAPNA Members in your organisation. This means that when you receive flyers, forms or other information from the SAPNA Committee, you ensure that it is displayed on your workplace noticeboards, in lunch rooms or other appropriate places where perioperative nurses spend some time.

SAPNA Champions are the Go To people at the coal-face, and can play their part in benefiting perioperative nursing in SA through recognising the needs of members in regard to perioperative nursing education, encouraging membership and professional development, or bringing any other matter to the attention of the Committee as you feel necessary.

We sincerely thank all our SAPNA Champions. Please see attached list for all SAPNA Champions at you work place. If you don't have someone at your workplace and you would like to become a SAPNA champion at your workplace, please let us know or update your profile.

Current list of SAPNA Champions

We are seeking SAPNA champions for many organisations. Please contact the Secretariat on

 if you would like to be the Go To person for SAPNA information in your workplace.